Installation and Removal

Image showing an array of removal and installation tools by Rotor Clip, designed specifically for handling various types of retaining rings, including circlips and snap rings

Installation and Removal To Boost Operational Efficiency.

The installation and removal process of retaining rings and hose clamps can vary depending on the specific application needs, configuration of your retaining ring ring and also required tools. Typically, retaining rings require specialized pliers or tools to compress or expand the ring, while hose clamps require screwdrivers or similar tools to tighten or loosen the clamp. In some applications, specialized tools sold buy Rotor Clip may be necessary for proper installation and removal, and the choice of ring or clamp may vary depending on the application requirements. Whether manual or automated, Rotor Clip will work with you to ensure the most efficient installation and removal of your parts.

Types of Installation & Removal Tools

Rotor Clip installation tools not only bolster your workbench, they’ll speed up assembly to give you greater efficiency and thereby more returns for your fastener investment.

rod-stacked retaining ring dispenser

Tapered Section Ring Installation

screwdriver being used to remove a 2 turn spiral ring

Spiral Retaining Ring Installation

hose clamp next to an applicator

Hose Clamp Installation

Automated Assembly

automate assembly stock image

Properly designed installation equipment shuttles the ring into the groove without disruption and guards against permanent set (overstretching/over compressing of ring) to ensure a tight fit. Here you will find valuable information and design considerations in connection with automated assembly of axial retaining rings.

Read more about Automated Assembly

More than Parts. A True Partnership.

Our passion is creating the best rings, springs, and clamps. Our mission is to make your work a success. We are here for you.