Environmental Policy
Environmental Management System Scope
The Environmental Management System assures that the products and components of Rotor Clip, including the manufacturing, handling, and recycling are processed under the control of the EMS. The EMS covers the campus located at 187 Davidson Avenue in Somerset, New Jersey.
The system is designed to comply with the International Standard ISO 14001.
The EMS addresses all of the context factors the company has determined as applicable to its operation and is designed to meet the needs and concerns of interested parties. The EMS assures conformance to legal requirements and the environmental policy of Rotor Clip and provides objective evidence of effective control.
Environmental Policy
- Prevention of pollution.
- Continuous improvement of EMS.
- Avoidance of personal exposure and injury from hazardous conditions and materials.
- Minimize resource consumption.
- Commitment to comply with environmental legislation and regulations in our community.
- Encourage others to follow and practice good environmental practices.
Pollution Prevention Policy
It is the policy of the Rotor Clip Company to explore and establish all possible means to minimize and eventually eliminate all forms of pollution created by operations at our facilities. Methods currently under study or now in operation include:
- Recycling and re-use of process materials
- Creating and adopting new techniques in production processes to eliminate the use of hazardous materials
- Improve efficiencies in production to minimize waste
- Educate and encourage all employees to look for pollution prevention methods
Management of Rotor Clip has demonstrated a commitment to environmentally responsible business practices by dedicating significant resources to correcting and/or eliminating sources of pollution. This has been and will continue to be the manner in which Rotor Clip conducts business.