Custom Retaining Rings and Wave Springs


Every application is unique, that’s why we engineer the part you need, in the size and alloy you require

Custom Wave Spring Form Custom Retaining Ring Form

Custom solutions to meet your specifications.

When you need quality products to suit your application, count on Rotor Clip’s expertise to produce any part to your exact needs. Whether you have a requirement that can’t be satisfied by an existing product or if you need a modified version of one of our standard products, you’ll receive a custom part with the same quality and level of service that you’ve come to expect from Rotor Clip. Our design engineers are available for consultations to ensure you receive the best solution from prototype to production.

engineers meeting

Our experienced engineers will work with you from start to finish to design and produce tapered, constant section and spiral retaining rings along with wave springs to your desired specifications. Typical modifications include thickness, diameter or alternative materials.

  • Rotor Clip can customize any product according to volume and price considerations
  • Vertical integration allows for tooling design and production by our experienced engineering staff at our U.S. and European manufacturing sites.
  • Global production facilities in US and the Czech Republic offer local market deliverability
  • Laser cut parts for prototyping and small quantity requirements quickly and effectively
  • Modern coiling equipment produces parts to various shapes at high volume, but can be easily adapted to produce smaller volume precision components.

The Benefits of Customization

Why do we do it the old-fashioned way? Because it works for you.

Assurance of Exactness

When you need a custom part, we don’t have to go looking for one that fits. We build to your exact specifications.

Design to Build

In many cases, our engineering teams help design your custom parts, and the knowledge transfer to manufacturing is seamless.

Supply-Chain Control

Our 100% in-house manufacturing philosophy eliminates any risk of delay due to incoming goods from overseas. We build. We ship. We get there on time.

More than Parts. A True Partnership.

Our passion is creating the best rings, springs, and clamps. Our mission is to make your work a success. We are here for you.